Knowledge Base

    Appy Pie : How To Obtain Your Weekly, Monthly, And Yearly Subscription Package Ids, One Time Payment Product Id, And Shared Secret Key To Set Up In-app Purchase (iap) In Your Ios App?


    Priya Gautam

    3 min read

    Published on Feb 20 2020 | Last updated on Feb 20 2020

    Follow below mentioned steps to obtain your Weekly, Monthly, and Yearly Subscription Package IDs, One Time Payment Product ID, and Shared Secret Key to set up In-App Purchase (IAP) in your iOS app :

    Step 1 : Go to iTunes Connect and login to your Apple Developer account

    Step 2 : Click on My Apps

    Step 3 : Click on the app or click on + to add new app

    Step 4 : Click on Manage under In-app Purchases present on left hand side panel

    Step 5 : Click on + to add In-app Purchases

    Step 6 : A popup will open, select the type of In-App Purchases you want

    Step 7 : Click on Create

    Step 8 : Enter all the necessary details, such as Reference Name, Product ID, Price, Display Name, and Description

    9 : Click on Save

    Step 10 : Here is your Product ID(Package ID), copy it. Go to In-App Purchases

    Please note : You need to follow the same steps from step 5 to step 10 to generate weekly , monthly and  yearly subscription package ID

    Step 11 : Click on App-Specific Shared Secret option

    Step 12 : Click on Generate App-Specific Shared Secret

    Step 13 : Here is your Shared Secret key, copy it and click on Done

    Step 14 :
    Now paste the copied keys in their respective fields on creator software


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