Knowledge Base

    How To Deploy Appypie’s Chatbot Widget In Line?


    Vikas Singh

    11 min read

    Published on Feb 15 2023 | Last updated on Aug 21 2023

    Following are the Steps to deploy Appypie’s chatbot widget in Line:

    Step 1: Log in to Line

    • Log in to the LINE using your credentials or through the QR code. Click the ‘Log in with LINE account’ or ‘Log in with Business account’ button:

    Step 2 : Create a channel

    1. In the Provider section, select ‘Create a new provider from the dropdown and enter the provider’s name.
    2. Channel name

    3. Channel description

    4. Category

    5. Subcategory

    6. Email address

    7. Click on "I have read and agree to the LINE Official Account Terms of Use" checkbox

    8. Click on  "I have read and agree to the LINE Official Account API Terms of Use" checkbox
    9. Click on the Create button.
    10. Click on Ok

    Step 3: Configure your channel
    Now, select the ‘Messaging API’ tab:

    1. Webhook settings
      Click Edit and paste the URL to the ‘Webhook URL’ field. Next, click on the ‘Verify’ button and enable the ‘Use webhook’ toggle button.

    2. Endpoint URL

    3. Copy this Webhook
    4. LINE Official Account features:
Disable these features: ‘Auto-reply messages’ and ‘Greeting messages’:

    5. Channel access token (long-lived)
Locate the ‘Channel access token (long-lived)’ field and click Issue. If you click "Reissue", select '0 hours'.

      Copy the token and paste it into the "Channel access token (long-lived)" field in the 4th step.

    Step 4: Add Credentials

    • Click on the Basic settings tab
    • Now locate the "Channel secret" in the Basic settings tab
    • Now add your Channel secret and Channel access token on the ‘Deploy your bot on a messaging platform - Line’ 


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