Knowledge Base

    How to get Client ID and Secret Key from PayPal to enable IAP ?


    Priya Gautam

    3 min read

    Published on Date | Last updated on Date

    Follow steps below to easily Obtain Client ID and Secret Key :

    Step 1: Go to Paypal and click on Log into Dashboard,If you have an account enter your credentials to log in, else Sign Up. 

    Step 2: Once you have logged in, then click on My Account from the dropdown menu

    Step 3: Once you are in your Paypal Dashboard, then go to My Apps & Credentials section, and set toggle button to Live

    Step 4: Click on Create App, under REST API app

    Step 5: Enter App Name, then click on Create App button

    Step 6: Here you will see your Client ID , click on Show button for Secret Key

    Step 7 : Here you will see your Client ID and Secret Key,Copy it

    Step 8 : Now paste the copied keys in their respective fields as highlighted


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