Knowledge Base

    How to obtain your Paystack Test Secret and Public Keys?


    Priya Gautam

    1 min read

    Published on Date | Last updated on Date

    Follow the steps below to obtain Paystack Secret and Public Keys: 

    Step 1 : Go to Paystack.If you already have a Paystack account log in else Create Free Account

    Step 2 : Click Settings in the side menu.

    Step 3 : Under settings, click the API keys & Webhook tab

    Step 4 : Paste the below URL in both the Test Callback URL and Test Webhook URL fields, and click Save Changes.

    Step 5 : Under API Configuration-Test Mode, you will find your Test Secret Key and Test Public Key. Copy both the keys to your clipboard.

    Note: The above keys are Test Keys, you need to provide the Live keys to activate live payments.

    Step 6 : Paste the copied keys in the respective fields as highlighted.


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