Knowledge Base

    How to get Live Publishable Key and Live Secret Key from Stripe to enable IAP?


    Priya Gautam

    2 min read

    Published on Date | Last updated on Date

    Follow the steps below to get your Live Publishable Key and Secret Key from Stripe:

    Step 1 : Go to Stripe. If you have a Stripe account, login, else Signup.

    Step 2 : Click the cogwheel icon in the top-right corner of your dashboard.   

    Step 3 : Under Business Settings, click Account Details.

    Step 4: Under Account Settings, enter Account Name, select your country, verify your account by phone, and select a Time Zone.Once you have provided the required details, click Save.      

    Step 5 : Scroll down to the Public Business Information section, and provide the required details including:

    • Public Business Name, Support email, Support Phone number, and Support Address (optional)
    • Statement descriptor which is the business name that will show up on your customers' bank or credit card statements
    • Shortened descriptor 
    • Business website, Support website, Privacy policy, and Terms of service URLs.

    Note: You can display phone number on receipts and invoices by enabling the “Show phone number on receipts and invoices” toggle.

    Once you have provided the required details, click Save.

    Step 6 : Click Developers in the top menu.

    Step 7 : Click API Keys in the side menu.

    Step 8 : Under Standard Keys, you will find your Publishable Key and Secret key. Click the Reveal Test Key button to view your secret key.  

    Note: In this case, the obtained keys are Test keys but you must provide the Live publishable and secret keys on Appy Pie’s IAP settings page for seamless transactions.

    Step 9 : Copy both the Publishable and Secret keys. 

    Step 10 : Paste the copied keys in their respective fields as highlighted.


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