Knowledge Base

    How can I setup PayPal web hooks using the PayPal Developer Portal


    Amitabh Shukla

    2 min read

    Published on Jul 21 2023 | Last updated on Aug 21 2023

    Here is a guide on how to set up PayPal web hooks using the PayPal Developer Portal:

    Step 1: Create an app

    • Click Create App.
    • Enter a name for your app and select a sandbox or live environment.
    • Click Create.

    Step 2: Configure your web hook listener

    • In the My Apps & Credentials page, click the name of your app.
    • On the next page, scroll to the Web hooks section.
    • Click Add Web hook.
    • Enter the URL of your web hook listener. This is the endpoint that will receive the web hook notifications from PayPal.
    • Select the events that you want to subscribe to.
    • Click Save and your web hook will be added to the web hook list.

    Step 3: Test your web hooks
    • In the Web hooks tab, click the Simulator tab.
    • Select the event that you want to test.
    • Click Send.
    • PayPal will send a test web hook notification to your web hook listener.

    Step 4: Implement your web hook handler

    Your web hook handler is the code that will be executed when PayPal sends a web hook notification to your web hook listener. The handler will need to parse the web hook notification and take the appropriate action.

    For more information on how to implement your web hook handler, please see the PayPal Web hooks documentation:




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