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    how to get your facebook app id to integrate facebook login into your android/ios app created with appy pie?


    Gaurav Tewari

    4 min read

    Published on Date | Last updated on Date

    Follow the below steps to get your Facebook App ID:

    1. Sign in to your Facebook account. If you don’t have an account, create one.

    1. Click on “My Apps” in the top right corner, near the search icon.

    1. Click the Create App button.

    1. Select a business portfolio and click “Next”.

    1. Select “Other” and click “Next”.

    1. Select the “Consumer” option and click “Next”.

    1. Provide app name and app contact email, then select the business portfolio (optional). Click on “Create app”.

    1. Re-enter your password and click on “Submit”.

    1. In the “Facebook Login” card, click “Set up”.

    1.  Select the “iOS” option. 

    1. Follow the on-screen iOS configuration steps and click “Next”.

    1.  Provide a bundle ID and click “Save”.  If you don’t have these keys, copy and paste the following values:

    Bundle ID - com.demo.packagename

    Note: Packagename is unique for each app. To find your package name, refer to our tutorial: How to Find Your App Package Name?

    1. For points 3 to 8, skip and click “Next”.

    1. Go to “App Settings” and click on “Basic”.

    1. Provide App Domain, App icon, Privacy Policy URL, Term of Service URL, and Data deletion Callback URL in the respective fields.

    1.  In the “Category” dropdown, select “Business and pages”. After that click “Save changes”.

    1.  Similarly, you can do the “Android” section also. Select “Android”.

    1.  Click “Next” for points 1 and 2.

    1.  Provide a package and class name. Click “Save”, then “Continue”. If you don’t have these keys, copy-paste the following values:

    • Google Play Package Name -

      Note: packagename is unique for each app. To find your package name, refer to our tutorial: How to Find Your App Package Name?

    • Class Name - HomeActivity

    1.  Provide a key hash and click “Save” and then “Continue”. If you don’t have one, type:

    Key Hashes - VaSOGhegZ8f7Iu+zY5VY6sD8MT8=

    1.  For points 5 to 10, skip and click “Next” on each step.

    1. The rest of the steps will remain the same as explained above in steps 14 to 16.

    1. On the Basic Settings page, click “Save Changes,” switch the App mode to “Live,” and copy the App ID.

    1. Now paste the copied App ID in the highlighted field in the Sign-in section on System pages.


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