Knowledge Base

    How to Integrate Telegram with Livechat?


    Vikas Singh

    2 min read

    Published on Date | Last updated on Date

    Following are the steps to integrate Livechat with telegram:
    Step 1

    Install telegram on your device. If you do not have a telegram account, sign up at
    If you already have an account then, Login to your telegram account from this link:
    If you are on mobile, then download the telegram app through the links provided below for your preferred device:
    Apple Store Link :
    Play Store Link :

    Step 1

    Step 2

    Enter the code that you received from telegram on your device.

    Step 3

    Once signed in, follow this link to start a chat with BotFather (

    You can also look it up in Telegram App by typing “@BotFather”

    Step 4

    1. Start the chat by using the “/start” command, type it in the chat or pick it from the menu.

    2. Use the command “/newbot” and enter the name of your new bot.

    3. Now, choose a User Name for your bot. It must end in ‘bot’. For Example: TetrisBot or tetris_bot.

    4. After the successful creation of the bot, you will be provided with a token. Furthermore, you can find it at You can now add a description, about section and profile picture for your bot, see /help for all list of commands.

      Step 5

    Now copy and paste the access token from your telegram message into the bot token field on your Appy Pie Livechat and connect the livechat to your telegram account.

    Step 6

    Now you can talk in real time by clicking on the bot link ( which will take you to the respective bot page.


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